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Benefits of a DANA Residence


Re-allocating of non-profit funds
A permanent and sustainable residence would allow for donations, otherwise used for rent and maintaining a facility, to be used in other important areas such as educational programs, training, fundraising and legal assistance.

Profits from projects go towards maintaining shelter
Projects centered on gardening, baking, crafting and cooking classes could provide funding for shelter maintenance and basic operating costs.

Opportunity to learn and develop new skills
Our projects’ will provide temporary residents with new skill sets, hopefully facilitating future job opportunities.

Empowerment through activities
Providing families temporarily residing in the residence the opportunity to feel empowered by working on projects that benefit them and others in a similar situation.

Support and security
A permanent home for DANA that provides love, support and security is absolutely crucial for those families trying to start a new life. An inspiring and peaceful setting for such a home is GV’s ultimate goal.