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Growing Voices offers you the opportunity to customize your support by purchasing tangible items specific to the needs of a community project or grass roots organization.  We provide you with the option to donate directly to Growing Voices. With this support we will nourish those organizations/communities who are most in need, and provide funding for future GV projects.

Honoring requested items is the primary objective of GV, as we believe the power of change should lie in the hands of those communities we support.  Furthermore, local activists are the most qualified in determining the tools necessary to confront the unique challenges they face.

GV pushes to develop partnerships with regional distributors, which helps the local economy and alleviates the high cost of shipping.

gift project malawi gift growing voices
You decide how your money is spent! Having a hard time choosing items? Growing Voices will do it for you!
Pictures of Chihame gardens, profits from vegetables sold go towards re-harvesting and educational materials for surrounding schools!


malawi video

Project Malawi Update
JANUARY 7, 2011
Nkhata Bay, Malawi

Growing Voices continues to explore and expand its commitment to the educational needs in Nkhata Bay.

Watch the video >


malawi video

Malawi Journals

Read the journals by Zach Galifianakis and Growing Voices' Mel and Quinn.

READ the journals >


history and map of malawi


©2010 Growing Voices. Growing Voices is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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